August 12, 2008 - The Battle is Over...The War Has Just Begun
The battle is over......the war has just begun
There are many comments in the press this morning, most of a similar mind. The West; U.S. and Europe under the NATO banner, must take an immediate and strong position to retaliate against Putin's attack on Georgia in order to prevent intimidation, and or attack against other former Russian separatist countries like Ukraine, Estonia, as well as increased intimidation and economic actions against the European countries that had been in their sphere of influence like the Czech Republic and Poland. In reality, Russia can even intimidate Germany and other European countries by throttling down the fuel pipeline.
The response from the West should be one that accepts Georgia into NATO, as well as taking significant steps to pump their economy up with infrastructure investments and trade. Along with stationing NATO troops in Georgia.
There should be no win in this for Russia.
And surprisingly, The NY Times gets it almost right:
Better yet, is the Op-Ed in The NY Times. The authors suggest going even further; boycotting Russia's 2014 Winter Olympic Games to be held just a dozen miles from Georgia: