Charlie Hebdo Cartoons
It's easy to say 'Je Suis Charlie', but most publications have conspicuously avoided publishing the cartoons that they published. Well here are some of them....
“Sharia Hebdo” by David Sessions, 2011. It features a cartoon of “guest editor” the prophet Muhammad threatening readers with “100 lashes if you don’t die laughing!” The publication’s offices were fire-bombed after it published this issue.
The Pope tells a bishop to “Go into movies, like Polanski…” A comment on sex scandals in the Catholic Church, 2010.
A Jew, the Pope, and an Islamic fundamentalist declare “Charlie Hebdo must be veiled!”, 2007.
“But who wants English people in Europe?”, 2007.
“The father, the son, and the holy ghost”. A comment on same-sex marriage, 2013.
“The father, the son, and the holy ghost”. A comment on same-sex marriage, 2013.
“The true history of baby Jesus”.
“Bin Laden lives!”, May 2011.
“Look no hands!” Bin Laden cover, published after 11 September 2001.
“Islamophobia: Should we be afraid of little Jesus?” Published in the wake of French laws banning religious symbols, such as veils, from schools, December 2010.
“Untouchables. Must not mock them!”, 2012.
“Muhammad overwhelmed by fundamentalists,” 2006. The quote in the speech bubble reads, “Its hard to be loved by idiots.” The issue featured cartoons that caricatured the prophet Muhammed. Muslim groups sued, but Charlie Hebdo won the case in 2007.