Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain Ensuring His Senate Seat

Three weeks ago I posed the question of whether or not John McCain was sincere in his candidacy .  I have come to believe that he isn't.  He's pulling his punches.

When someone is going full out, you know it.  When someone has cut all safety lines in reaching for the golden ring, you know it.  When people sink the ship that they can return on, you know that they're really serious.  

In an interview the other day, John McCain mused in an aside that if he were to lose the election he saw himself returning to the Senate and continuing his mission there.  That's when it finally dawned on me that the reason that he has not attacked the most obvious targets of his campaign beside Obama - the Democrats in both the House and Senate who are the cause of this economic crisis, is because he's hedging his bets.

John McCain has a fall back position....the Senate.  I believe he envisions himself there, stepping into the role of a battle weathered "Silverback', as the "Lion" of the Senate - Kennedy, has not yet passed on.

McCain may not be the most erudite candidate regarding economics, but he knows where the blame lies.  He knows the deals cut, he knows who was payed off by Fanny and Freddy.  He knows Senator Chuck Schumer took a highly unusual step of publicly criticizing a bank, sparking a run on it, just as big Democrat hedge fund donors were examining assets of the bank in hopes of buying them on the cheap should the bank fail. He knows what Reid and Pelosi have done.  He knows what Dodd and Barney Frank are responsible for.....

So where's the vitriol against these miscreants?  Where's the finger pointing and anger?

It's not there.  And, it won't be.  You can't go home to the Senate if you burn your can't reach across the aisle if they won't take your hand.  When all you have stood for is being against your own party, it's really difficult to then run against the opposition.

But he does have vitriol, and he does point Capitalism, Wall Street,  and George Bush.  I guess it's difficult to break habits....

Here's his comments from an interview that appeared yesterday in the Washington Times :

Sen. John McCain on Wednesday blasted President Bush for building a mountain of debt for future generations, failing to pay for expanding Medicare and abusing executive powers, leveling his strongest criticism to date of an administration whose unpopularity may be dragging the Republican Party to the brink of a massive electoral defeat.
"We just let things get completely out of hand," he said of his own party's rule in the past eight years.
In an interview with The Washington Times, Mr. McCain lashed out at a litany of Bush policies and issues that he said he would have handled differently as president, days after a poll showed that he began making up ground on Sen. Barack Obama since he emphatically sought to distance himself from Mr. Bush in the final debate.
"Spending, the conduct of the war in Iraq for years, growth in the size of government, larger than any time since the Great Society, laying a $10 trillion debt on future generations of America, owing $500 billion to China, obviously, failure to both enforce and modernize the [financial] regulatory agencies that were designed for the 1930s and certainly not for the 21st century, failure to address the issue of climate change seriously," Mr. McCain said in an interview with The Washington Times aboard his campaign plane en route from New Hampshire to Ohio.
"Those are just some of them," he said with a laugh, chomping into a peanut butter sandwich as a few campaign aides in his midair office joined in the laughter.
He also hit Mr. Obama for breaking his pledge to take public campaign financing; said Democratic vice-presidential nominee Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. has as much as acknowledged that Mr. Obama would make the world more dangerous; and cautioned that while he may be down in the race, he's not out.
Mr. Obama has spent virtually the entire campaign linking Mr. McCain to the president, saying a McCain term would be "four more years of George Bush" and identifying various Republican policies with the adjective "Bush-McCain."
Mr. McCain has in recent days sharpened his criticism of Mr. Bush, including adding a line from his final debate to his daily stump speech, that if Mr. Obama "wanted to run against George Bush, he should have run four years ago."
But on Wednesday, Mr. McCain went further in distancing himself from the man who beat him for the 2000 Republican presidential nomination. In addition to the long list of failures he attributed to Mr. Bush, Mr. McCain blamed the president for supporting the Medicare prescription-drug bill, saying, "They didn't pay for it."
"They put a trillion-dollar debt on future generations of Americans, then allowed the liberals to expand it so they're paying my — they're paying for my prescription drugs. Why should the taxpayers pay for my prescription drugs?" he said with exasperation.
He rejected Mr. Bush's use of issuing "signing statements" when he signs bills into law, in which the president has suggested that he would ignore elements of the bills, labeling them potentially unconstitutional.
"I would veto the bills or say, 'Look, I don't like it but I'll obey the law that's passed by Congress and signed by the president.' I think the signing statements was not a correct implementation of the power of the executive. I think it was overstepping," he said.
And Mr. McCain emphatically rejected Mr. Bush's claims of executive privilege, often used to shield the White House from scrutiny.
"I don't agree with that either. I don't agree with [Vice President] Dick Cheney's allegation that he's part of both the legislative and the executive branch," he said.
Still, Mr. McCain said Mr. Bush deserves credit for expanding faith-based organizations, which he said have done "enormously good things, domestically and overseas."
The Republican also targeted his own party, saying they got drunk with power and lacked the resolve of President Reagan.
"I think, frankly, the problem was, with a Republican Congress, that the president was told by the speaker and majority leaders and others, 'Don't veto these bills, we need this pork, we need this excess spending, we need to grow these bureaucracies.' They all sponsor certain ones. And he didn't do what Ronald Reagan used to and say, 'No'; say, 'No. We're not going to do this.'"

Rest of interview ....

Randall Hoven in the American Thinker had this most appropriate comment:
We'll not only have to hold our noses November 4, we'll have to put that cream on our upper lips like they do in autopsy scenes in movies like Silence of the Lambs.  I'm not sure I have enough of that cream.


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