Sergeant Schultz Defense
Lee Cary presents a partial look at the investigation that the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times have been pursuing into the dealings between Barack Obama and public housing developers in Chicago. The question that must be asked, especially in the wake of the media's frenzied and over the top investigation into the minutia of Gov. Sarah Palin's life, is why the same assiduous pursuit of the truth has not been conducted on Sen. Obama? In addition, since the Main Stream Media hasn't stepped up to the plate and investigated the story, it would seem that the Republican Party should at least mirror the Democrats' approach to sending hoards of lawyers up to Alaska to investigate Gov. Palin and her family, by sending a highly vaccinated team of lawyers to dig through the reeking muck that is Chicago politics. Well, they'd have to be heavily armoured too, given the risk of probing Daleyland.
So far, Sen. Obama's response to any question about his links with nefarious characters has been the Sargent Schultz Defense; "I knew nothing"....
September 16, 2008
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