Remember all that stuff about "Change you can believe in"?
Well you can believe it.......
Obama team pledges open transition to White House
TRANSITION | Despite anti-lobbyist talk in campaign, they are not out of the loop
November 12, 2008
WASHINGTON -- President-elect Barack Obama's transition co-chairman John Podesta pledged Tuesday "to make this the most open and transparent transition in history." Meanwhile, let's see if the Obama team provides more than the legal minimum when it comes to details on how private money is being raised to help bankroll the transition operation.And if by chance you thought that Obama's anti-federal lobbyist drive -- a centerpiece of his campaign -- would mean that federal lobbyists would not work in his transition or White House, then you have not been listening to Obama's carefully worded campaign promises on the subject. Federal lobbyists are welcome -- it would be hard to staff a transition without them, they usually know a lot -- there are just restrictions on what they can work on. Podesta unveiled ethics guidelines covering federal lobbyists who work for the Obama administration. In addition to federal lobbyists not being able to contribute to the transition, they can't lobby while working on the transition. If a person working on the transition has lobbied in the past 12 months, they can't work on the issues they lobbied.
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