Tony Snow - Man Of The Year 2008
Best of the best!
Tony Snow
Lynch Report's
Man Of The Year - 2008
Robert Anthony Snow
June 1, 1955–July 12, 2008
Like many, I've been scanning through the end of year issues published by many newspapers, magazines, and webzines. Many of them drew up and presented lists of the country's and world's notables who passed on during the year; today's NY Times Sunday magazine was the 15th annual "Lives They Lived" issue, devoted almost entirely to individuals who possessed some unique combination of character or talent that made their passing worth noting by the staff and editors of that well-known but moribund publication.
To my amazement, not one media outlet listed the late Tony Snow as a person worthy of special note. So, to correct that oversight, we've decided to have Tony as the only person recognized by the Lynch Report. We miss his charming demeanor, and his ability to deal with contentious issues in a most amiable way, while still ensuring that all the facts were covered - despite the politics.
Tony was named White House Press Secretary to replace an inept Scott McClellan in George Bush's administration.This came a bit of a surprise, as Tony had criticized some of Bush's actions. Bush acknowledged that was one of the reason's he was hired, stating that Snow was "not afraid to express his own opinions".
But most significant of all of Tony's accomplishments, was his ability to demonstrate to all of us on how to live our lives to the fullest, and how to face the end of our life with not only dignity, but love, purpose, humility, and acceptance. He was the consummate professional, and role model man.
Here's Tony playing a little Blues....
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