2009 - The Year Of Obama
And unfortunately, 2010 probably will be too.......
- He became the first half-Black President (I never did buy into that whole Bill Clinton thing)
- He announced an ill-advised closure of Guantanamo Bay in 2009 (and thankfully hasn't met his own deadline)
- He appointed the most tax-cheats, degenerates and Communists to his cabinet and other high offices
- He unilaterally destroyed the rights of the GM and Chrysler bond-holders
- He allowed his Treasury Secretary (and tax-cheat) to use the Tarp funds to bail out the Auto companies and prop up the UAW pension plans
- He used the "stimulus" money promised for "shovel-ready" jobs to pay for teachers and police salaries that would have been paid anyway by their local municipalities....in Democrat districts - of course
- He promised 8% unemployment and we're way over 10%
- He announced a new strategy and authorized additional troops for Afghanistan
- He fired Gerald Walpin as Inspector General of Americorps because Walpin blew the whistle on Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson an Obama supporter.
- He allowed his Attorney General to drop the voting rights case against the Black Panthers
- He appointed the first "Latina" Supreme Court Justice despite her clear and significant history of bias
- He's overseen the fall of the dollar to new lows
- He initiated the "Cash for Clunkers" program that cost the American taxpayer $226 Billion to buy cars in the Summer instead of in the Fall, at a net cost $24K to the taxpayers per car sold, and all accomplished with borrowed money so that we'll be paying interest on it for years
- Allowed millions of civilian Federal employees to get a 2% wage increase, raising the average pay to $71,206 Vs. $40,331 in the Private sector, all while millions of taxpayes were losing their jobs
- He's overseen raising the debt ceiling by $1.8 Trillion
- He has pushed an agenda so far to the Left that even the Liberal mayor of Chicago, Wm. Daley has penned a year-end op-ed admonishing Obama to move back to the Center
- He was the first American President not to voice support for an oppressed people when he ignored the opportunity and the injustice done to the Iranian people, by not speaking out and supporting their call for justice during the election. His silence supported the oppressor regime
- He became the first Amrican President to bow before foreign Heads Of State
- He ostracized and marginalized Honduras because they prevented a Chavez-like overthrow of their Democracy
- He turned off a news-ticker that annoyed Castro
- He showed his own bias against white police officers
- He has denigrated our Intelligence services and put us at a disadvantage
- He killed the missile defense for Poland and Eastern Europe to placate Russia, lost the trust in the U.S. by our allies, and gained the scorn of our enemies
- He undermined the freedom of the press by pursuing a war against FOX News
- He has proposed massive unilateral disarmament that would make us vulnerable
- He has politicized Art Funding
- He sabotaged his own Afghan war strategy, ignored the issue, dissed his own hand-picked General, devalued Karzai, and portrayed America as weak
- Has allowed Iran to continue it's nuclear weapon program, and invited their scorn
- He has insulted our strongest allies
- He has weakened our borders
- Has been shown to not be the author of the books that he claimed to have written
- He embarrassed the United States and the Office of the President by his ill-timed and advised participation in losing the Olympics for the U.S.
- Was awarded the Nobel Prize for being not-Bush
- He played a lot of golf
- He blamed Bush for everything
- He did not celebrate the reunification of Germany and the U.S. role in making it happen
- He has presided over the dismantling of our exceptional healthcare system, and the government takeover of one-sixth of our economy
- He has presided over the establishment of a government command and control of our energy sector through the pursuit of cap-and-trade legislation, and/or EPA regulations on CO2
- He has alienated both the left and right
- And worst of all, he has diminished the flame freedom, tarnished America's image around the world, and created the impression of a weak country, which as every school child knows, invites the school-yard bully to test you. We can expect more difficult situations everywhere, even with our "friends"
There were many more actions that could be listed and attributed to our "Dear Leader", but we just don't have the time to be that detailed.
As we look forward to 2010, Obama has planted the seeds of many bitter fruits that may indeed sprout. However, there is hope that real change can still appear in time to prevent them from flowering.
I wish all a healthy, safe, and prosperous new year. God bless us all.
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